Tuesday, May 19, 2009

WOW I am really scared

I don't know where I thought the money for Ally to go to TTU was going to come from and NOW I am really scared . OK so she got the HOPE scholarship , but , that is ONLY $4000 off of a 4 year bill of $74,000 . How the HELL do people send there kids to college in 2009 ? I am FREAKING out and nobody seems to think it is that big of a deal . I do not want my child to end up like me ....... ashamed that she did not go to college . Ray says that Ally is going to have to take out the loans for school herself . That is NOT the way this was supposed to go . I PRAY this is not as BIG of a deal as I am making it out to be . I am a worrier ..... PLEASE GOD tell me what to do here .