Thursday, August 14, 2008

dentist news not good

why can't I take my kids somewhere were they tell me that nothing looks out of place and she has no problems ? They tell me that Sarah has a posterior crossbite and it needs to be corrected with an expansion device before she is 4 or it is going to cause her some bad problems . Damn !!!! No telling how much that will cost . I am NOW having a bad day and I am NOT happy .

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am not sure which dentist you went to see, but I would definitely get a second opinion. Pediatric dentists in this area are infamous for requesting major dental intervention when kids are young. It has happen to many a parent at church. They have gotten second and third opinions and have saved money, time, and heartache by not having to have done what the first dentist recommended. I know several moms in MOPS have had this happen. Ask around and get a second opinion!